A Poem For The First Sunday Of Advent 2018
by Andy Sabaka
In the beginning was the Word.
Before the rising of the sun occurred,
Before the moon or the stars were unfurled,
Before the sight of any animal or bird,
The Word was with God in perfect harmony,
United by the Spirit, the eternal one in three.
The Word was with God, and the Word was God too,
And the Word was who the whole world was made through.
The plants and the trees; spruces blue and towering bamboo;
All fish and fowl; hopping kangaroos and calling cockatoos.
The measureless galaxies and each tiny flower,
God created through the Word in the Spirit’s power.
It was this Eternal Word, Creator and Sustainer of all things,
This Jesus, Lord of lords and supreme King of kings,
This only true God of whom all creation still sings,
This one became the divine human Light, our salvation to bring.
Without him was not anything made that was made,
And without him salvation’s glory could not be displayed.
The light of this first candle declares there is only one
Who could heal all the damage that our sin has done,
Who could shine with a brightness that makes the dark run,
Who could save us from endless death – he is the Father’s dear Son.
Christ, the Eternal Creator, has called us to dance in His light;
The Word came in meekness to make all things right.